The WASHINGTON POST's obituary for the late Jerome David Salinger provided my guffaw for today:
##########Salinger's alleged adoration of children apparently
##########did not extend to his own. In 2000, daughter
##########Margaret Salinger's "Dreamcatcher" portrayed the
##########writer as an unpleasant recluse who drank his own
##########urine and spoke in tongues.
##########Ms. Salinger said she wrote the book because she
##########was "absolutely determined not to repeat with my
##########son what had been done with me."
Great point, Margaret! The only way to protect your son from your father's style of parenting was to publish a book lambasting your father. Your justification utterly persuades me.
Margaret probably gave the royalties to charity.
The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the childrens' teeth shall be set on edge.
I bet Ms. Salinger did not sell a million copies!
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