Thursday, February 23, 2012

You Can Judge a Book by its Cover

On Being Presidential:

A Guide for College and

University Leaders

Susan Resneck Pierce

Ha Ha Ha


Ha Ha Ha Ha







If you do not recoil from the injustices and insincerity, the juxtaposition of that title and that name is pants-shittingly hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Oh anonymous, I find your comment hilarious. Now that we got rid of the law students downtown, well have you seen the downtown lately? It's a "teenage wasteland." Every other building is for rent. I hope this puts our city and county officials out of business and results in complete anarchy. I really do. UPS, the city and the county are so stupid. And so is The State of Washington. Oh, and lest we forget, the federal government. -Whiteperson, class of 1988

Anonymous said...

Being presidential, apparently, means alienating the community in which your college is situated; manipulating every college process, so that, soon, everyone asks, "Why bother with process?"; not remaining current; playing "pull up the ladder" with other academic women; and selling an academic unit without consulting the faculty. "Being presidential" as opposed to "being a president": the equivalent of truthiness. Presidentialness.