Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Name the Faculty Club, Bub

What Should We Call the Faculty Club?

A little birdie told me that hierarchs of The Faculty Club would like to name The Faculty Club.  This, of course, perplexed me.  I thought "The Faculty Club" was the name of the establishment.  A plaque on Niwa House lists when "The Faculty Club" was established.  Moreover, "The Faculty Club" is a dandy name: somewhat accurate, elegant, and easy for faculty to pronounce.

Hence, my entry in the contest will be "The Faculty Club."  Gee, I hope I win!

I hope the contest is open to all present and future members of "The Faculty Club."  Maybe members of the staff could suggest "The Staff & Faculty Club."  Staff who would like the prize should put the faculty first.  "The Faculty & Staff Club," anyone?  Staff who seek an edge in the contest should keep faculty sensibilities in mind:
       "The Faculty & Staff Club" might do the trick.

Perhaps, however, the hierarchs meant a contest to rename "The Faculty Club."  If so, faculty and staff should follow the habits of the administration at the University of Puget Clowns (© Susan Resneck PieRce 1996):  Name the club and its major features after the highest bidder(s).

I reserve to myself the naming of the bar, for I lent it to the club.  However, I am open to offers to rent or lease the barwith the bidders' funds going to me.

"The Faculty Club" as a whole might be renamed controversially"Whitey's Place" would comment on the diversity of the faculty, for examplebut I do not like the prospects of "Club Notochord" or "The 39 Stepfords" to triumph.

Now "Greene Acres" might have a chance.


Staffer said...

How about "The Clown Car"?

Anonymous said...

The Staff & Faculty Greene Acres Club

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Need new posts, Wild Bill!