Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Commencement Speaker Fallout

"Enhanced Commencement Techniques" was the winning comment.

In response to my 27 February 2013 post "Commencement Speaker," the best comment was that Dr. Zimbardo might speak on "Enhanced Commencement Techniques."  Nyuk!  Nyuk!

Will Dr. Zimbardo get an honorary degree?  He has a Ph. D. in Psychology.  Perhaps the university could bestow a degree in Criminal Studies.  If the university is so eager to soil its reputation, my duty is to help out.  Thus:  "Philip George Zimbardo is awarded a doctor of criminal studies dedeci causa nunc pro tunc ["awarded now on account of dishonor then]."

The University of Puget Clowns [© Susan Resneck Pierce  1996] -- no matter how cynical you get, you cannot catch up.